Tag Archives: Comedy

Murphys Law…for photography.

 Here are some versions of Murphy’s laws which often relate to us, photographers. Feel free to add yours in the comment section below.
1. You are not Ansel Adams.
2. Neither are you Herb Ritts.
3. If a photo shoot goes too smoothly, then your computer’s hard drive is likely to crash.
4. Photo assistants are essential, they give photographers someone to yell at.
5. Weather never cooperates.
6. If it works in your home, it will fail on location.
7. The newest and least experienced photographer will usually win the Pulitzer.
8. The nature shots invariably happen on two occasions:
    -when animals are ready
    -when you’re not
9. Flash will fail as soon as you need it.
10. A camera is a magnet for dust, mud and moisture.
11. Photo experience is something you never get until just after you need it.
12. The lens that falls is always the most expensive.
13. When you drop a lens cap, the inside part always lands face down in the mud.
14. Bugs always want to land on the mirror during a lens swap.
15. Your batteries will always go dead or you will need to put in a new film canister at the least opportune moment.
16. Your batteries will always go dead during a long exposure.
17. Cameras are designed with a built-in sensor that senses the anticipation to develop the film. When the level of anticipation is the highest, this sensor causes the back to flip open exposing the film. (Takura Razemba)
18. Lenses are attracted to rocks.
      The more expensive the lens, the greater the attraction.
19. The greater a photographer’s excitement, the greater the chance of fogging film, scratching prints, and deleting files.
20. The success of an assignment is inversely proportional to the product of its importance and the number of people watching.
21. Strobes only explode when lots of people are watching.
      Strobes only work when there is nobody else to see. ( by Jason Antman)

22. You never really need a tripod when you’re actually carrying one. (by Marshmallow)

Are you photography Geek?

I was browsing the web and this made me chuckle..it is from the crazy guys at Digital Rev…this lot put a lot of humour into their videos as well as being able to educate us on how to take great pictures and also give unbiased reviews on the latest products.o check them out at www.digitalrev.com.  This clip was was found on http://www.picturecorrect.com which is another great place to visit for all photographers…Enjoy!

The first sign that you may be a photo geek is if you clicked on this link to see if you’re a photo geek. So what’s the difference between being passionate about photography and claiming the title of geek? Well, leave it up to Kai to create a top 10 list of the geekiest photographer traits:

  1. Form Follow Function Fashion – Basically, you think a lot about photography and very little about your clothes.
  2. Awkward With the Opposite Sex – You’re terrible at social interactions, especially if it’s with someone you’re attracted too.
  3. Speaks in Coded Language – Your conversations consist of a lot of talk about f-stops, MTF charts, digital noise, sensor size, etc. Most people won’t know what you’re talking about.
  4. Only Talks About Cameras, All the Time – Your love of photography might spread a little too far when the only thing you can talk to your friends about is your newest lens or the amazing photo that you captured the other day.
  5. Bring Inappropriate Gear to Occasions – Maybe you don’t need to bring your TLR when riding a rollercoaster.
  6. Spend Far Too Long on Online Forums – Whether you’re bragging about your photo or gear, or just talking with other photographers because your friends are tired of listening to you, you may be abusing your photography forum account (in which your username isphotographyloverf/4life)
  7. Spend Far Too Long at 2nd Hand Shops – If you feel a spark of excitement every time you see a flea market hoping that you will find an old rangefinder camera, you may be a photo geek.
  8. Try to Outdo Everyone by Getting Exclusive Gear – It doesn’t have to be expensive or new or even functional, but it does have to be unique.
  9. Treat Your Gear Like Your Baby – This one is iffy. Some photo geeks may treat their photo gear better than their baby.
  10. Need to Take Photos Even Stuck at Desk – When you feel like you’re wasting time at your office because you’re not taking photos, this could be a sign.

photo photography geek photographer signs traits 10

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